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What's Included

Maelstrom Masquerade is a Lovecraftian Larp set in 1700's Venice. It is run by Flamma Mysteries at the historic Mansions on Fifth in Pittsburgh, PA. It is a spin off of the previously run game, Maelstrom Mansion. 

Early Bird tickets are $325 until 11/1/2020 and Standard tickets are $365. Currently, Flamma Mysteries is only accepting deposits from returning Flamma Mysteries players and a limited number (9) new players. 

Tickets include two, four-course dinners prepared by the mansions's chefs, a buffet lunch, and two breakfasts. Tickets cover the cost of the rental of the Mansions on Fifth, props, invitation mailing, NPC/Monster costuming, insurance, and website fees. 

Tickets DO NOT include rooming. Rooming is required at the Mansions on Fifth and booked directly by players through the hotel. 

Apply for one of the limited tickets using the contact form above. We recommend that applicants review the Flamma Mysteries Code of Ethics before application.
